Strategic Communications Expert


Years of Experience

solid experience in strategic communication and positioning



frequent participant in international forums and conferences



equally fluent in main European languages

Over 20 years of solid experience experience in leading communication and advocacy operations in large international Organisations: Council of Europe and United Nations with deep knowledge of both headquarters and field. Knowledge of the private sector and ability to build partnerships in between public and private sectors. Negotiator, partner, and a frequent visitor of the World Economic Forum in Davos. Excellent knowledge of the international media scene and mainstream media. More than ten years of prior experience in print and broadcast journalism for news organizations ranging from BBC to El País to Newsweek. Member of a number of international organisations (IPI, WAN, other), a frequent participant in their annual events.


Creativity and ability to formulate global communication and advocacy campaigns, develop messages, brands and varied communication packages (including multimedia), targeting different audiences. Directed all aspects of campaign implementation: press work, speech-writing, organization of special events; advocacy, outreach, public information campaigns, radio, TV, print and electronic products; web, social media, multimedia. Broad management and project management experience.

Developed strategy for positioning of international organizations and clients in the world, developed brands and created and implemented global international communications and branding strategies around the world

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2018- Present time

United Nations (New York, US)

Director of Strategic Communications Division, Principle Adviser on Multilingualism, Department of Global Communications

Worked in global environments, with global agendas and global audiences in multiple languages. Managed worldwide network of 59 United Nations Information Centers in the world.
Developed advocacy outreach and public information campaigns on multiple subjects including Sustainability. Coordinated from New York Headquarters the design and launch of the worldwide campaigns including 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Carried advocacy campaigns and lead change management processes.
Created the first in its history Communication Strategy, unanimously adopted and welcomed by 46 countries.


Council of Europe
(Strasbourg, France)

Director of Communication, Senior Advisor to the Secretary General on Communication and Outreach
Reformed, transformed and modernised communications, which went through revolutionary changes in the past 25 years. Managed all aspects of communication  at large from traditional (press operations, media scenes, publications, TV, Radio) to digital (web, multimedia, social media)


Innovation City
(Moscow, Russia)

Vice President for International Relations and Communications, Board Member


Eurasia Advisory
(London, UK)

Senior Anternational Advisor, Board Member


SP Conseil International
(Paris, France)

Founder, CEO


I've known Seda Pumpyanskaya for several years as a highly qualified professional in the field of communications, media, and international organizations… As an employee of international organizations, she has accumulated significant experience in various regions of the world"
Michail Gorbachev
Ms Pumpyanskaya brought with herself an excellent journalistic background, as well as outstanding language skills…As a chief of public information during the UN mission she performed all her tasks to the highest standard, with enthusiasm and utmost professionalism."
Amanda Lee
Tom Koenigs
Seda developed successful public information strategies, aimed and raising the profile and visibility of the UN and it’s agencies, organized multiple events, dealt with complex political issues and launched broad, country-wide public information campaigns."
Amanda Lee
Julian Harston

International events and organizations

International associations membership